M.C.Carper - Comic Artist - Illustrator
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AC/DC, Judge Dredd, Mortal Zombie - Comics almost abandoned
Not all the ideas we have come to realize. It was on two comics projects. I¡ m aJudge Dredd fan, and began to devise a elseworld on Dredd, t...
Michela Cacciatore – Fumettista
Oggi ospite : Michela Cacciatore – fumettista Ciao Chi sei? Presentarsi con le tue parole, per favore. Ciao. Mi chiamo ...
Rogerio Paulo Vieira - escritor brasileiro de ficção científica. Moderador Grupo ficção científica brasileira
Visitante de hoje: Rogerio Paulo Vieira - escritor brasileiro de ficção científica. Moderador Grupo ficção científica brasileira Olá! Quem é...
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jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009
New Meta'adventures
Pages of virtualis, sciense fiction comic, Machison'script. A job I like too much with Meta, same character of NEMROD 667, published in Landzer magazin
e Nª 1
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009
My latest Shock
In 2009 I decided to end my participation in the comic who performed with Shocks screenwriter Pedro Belushi, here are the latest page
Mortal Zombie Bloody scenes
Action scenes of Of Mortal Zombie with Moraneus script. Very bloody and gore
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